About Shopaholic
Returns & Exchange
Your Satisfaction Guaranteed - 100% Genuine Products
Shopaholic stands behind every product it sells. We are proud and trusted for being the 100% Genuine and Original Makeup and Cosmetics products retailer in Pakistan.
Email: orders@shopaholic.com.pk
Thus, we offer returns based on the following scenarios only:
We Dispatched the Wrong Product
Human error happens sometime. We would be happy to accept return of a product that you did not order and our warehouse team has mistakenly sent to you in lieu of your original product that you ordered.
In such case, please inform us within 2 hours of receipt of your package via email to initiate a Return Authorization. The product will then need to be packed and shipped to us.
Once our warehouse has received the item they will check the product to be in pristine condition, unopened, unused, sealed in its original packaging not damaged in anyway. Your correct product will then be dispatched to you and you will be informed accordingly. You do have the right to either accept the correct item or request a store credit that you can use against your next order.
Please note that in this case, all shipping charges for the product/s returned to us are the responsibility of Shopaholic.
You Received a Damaged Product
In order to ensure transparency, please make a video while opening your package for evidence purposes just in case the product you received has been damaged during the transit.
You must inform us of such an issue within 8 hours of receipt of order and share the video evidence.
Once the return or exchange is approved, you must send us the package back to us along with the original packaging box, the foamings, product box in original condition without any tear or damage and the product itself. Without the complete packaging and video evidence we will not be able to entertain any damage claims.
You Ordered the Wrong Product or Voluntary Return
No returns are acceptable considering the sensitive nature of the products.
Due to safety reasons, we do not offer Voluntary Exchanges.
In exceptional circumstances if a voluntary exchange is approved, the product will then need to be returned by you and received by us in pristine condition, unopened, unused, sealed in its original packaging not damaged in anyway. We recommend to send it through a tracked and insured courier service so we are able to receive them in time. Items returned will be checked for any damage to the product or the packaging.
5% restocking fee will be charged as per the value of the product and a reshipping fee will be charged at the rate of Rs. 500.
Order Holdup and Cancellation
In cases, when a customer requires Shopaholic to hold up an order against some advance. The customer must ensure receipt of order and the remaining amount within the stipulated time frame or maximum within a month. In case, the order remains undelivered for more than the stipulated time, it will be cancelled. A restocking fee of 10% will be charged. The advance will be deducted against the same and the remaining amount if any will be offered for adjustment against any future orders.
All shipping charges for the product/s returned to us are the responsibility of the customer.Any products / order purchased through a discount coupon, campaign or reduced priced is not eligible of return.
Any gifts that came along with the order must be returned along with the return of the whole order or a single product within the order.
Skincare items considering the nature of the product are not eligible for voluntary return option.
We do not accept products for return due to incorrect product selection or the product was not what you expected or you have changed your mind. If the item is unused and unopened and has been authorized by Shopaholic based on evaluation of voluntary return criteria only then the exchange will be accepted. Please note that all products are evaluated and maintained to the strictest level of not being opened / swatched to ensure quality is delivered to you.